How well do you communicate? | Assess your communication skills

communication assessment communication skills test communication tips confident communication effective communication learn to communicate listening skills positive communication relationships
how well do you communicate
Communication works for those who work at it. ~ John Powell

Every contact we make involves communications skills - speaking and listening,  speech patterns, the words we use, the tone of our voice, our body language and even the silences all play a part in how successful our communications are.

Self-awareness can be one of the most effective ways to identify and improve your skills. Take this quick assessment to learn more about how well you currently communicate.

Assess Your Communication Skills

This short assessment is designed to give you some insight and awareness into how you can improve your communication skills.

Answer each statement "true" or "false":

  1. I listen more than I talk.

  2. I speak specifically and personally, instead of generally and abstractly.

  3. My body language corresponds with my words and my tone.

  4. I check my tone (especially in written communication) to make sure it corresponds with my message.

  5. I pay attention to one person/conversation at a time.

  6. I don't rely primarily on written (e-mail and text) conversations.

  7. I am clear in what I am saying and in sharing my expectations with others.

  8. I make it comfortable or "safe" for others to talk to me about sensitive subjects.

  9. I never avoid certain people or conversations. I tackle the hard conversations with ease.

  10. I deal with issues as soon as they come up.

Next Steps

Now, circle or write down the communication skills that you feel most confident with - the ones you listed as "true" in the above list.  What are you already doing well?  Now, do even more of that!

Did you answer false to any of the statements?  Maybe more than one?  If so, you aren't alone.  Most people that take this communication skill assessment only can say an absolute yes to only a few of them!

Of the communication skills that you answered "false" to, pick just one to work on this week.  Then, as you get better at those skills, take on one more.  Don't try to change all at once.  You'll get overwhelmed and it simply won't work.  You'll be better results when you take on smaller steps!

Note: This assessment is an excerpt from my book 52 Communication Tips.  It's a great tool for weekly staff meetings or family dinners to begin to improve your communications skills, one step at a time.


Betty Lochner is a human resources consultant, business coach, and expert in workplace communications. She is the author of two books on communication, and a journal, Intentional Gratitude.

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