BLOG: Workplace Communication Skills

by Betty Lochner

An Attitude of Gratitude: Simple Ways to Show Appreciation


the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful.

An attitude of gratitude comes from showing appreciation and gratitude for others. It is one of the most powerful communication tools you can have - at work and at home. 

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How to Run Good Meetings: 7 Tips

Meetings only run well if they are facilitated well from start to finish.  Knowing how to run good meetings is a skill that anyone that is ever in charge of ANY kind of meeting facilitation.

Ever Been in Meeting Hell?

Haven't we all?  When I’m in p...

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How well do you communicate? | Assess your communication skills
Communication works for those who work at it. ~ John Powell

Every contact we make involves communications skills - speaking and listening,  speech patterns, the words we use, the tone of our voice, our body language and even the silences all pla...

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Using Emotional Intelligence to Improve Communication Skills

Last month I gave a presentation for the 11th Annual Washington State Government Lean Transformation Conference. I have attended and/or spoken at all of the conferences, and they are always a highlight of my professional development journey. 

The t...

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Making Gratitude Your New Normal

Make gratitude the new normal in your life.

January can be a time of uncertainty, resolutions, frustration, maybe even depression, right? 

It's also an opportunity for a fresh start.  Let's focus on that!

One very powerful way to embrace a fresh...

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Simple Habits of a Confident Communicator

Becoming a more confident communicator is all about building good habits. Think about brushing your teeth. That’s a habit we learn at a very early age, and over time, it’s something we do without thinking every day. That’s the type of habit you want ...

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Sorry, I Wasn’t Listening: 5 Ways to Model Better Listening Skills

I have a confession to make when it comes to listening skills. I’m an interrupter. When I already know what someone is trying to say, or I have a point to make, I just cut right in. I know I shouldn’t do it. I know it’s rude. It drives me crazy when ...

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Three Tips to Prevent Communication Conflicts

Do you want to learn to prevent communication conflicts before they happen? Well, who doesn’t?

Communication conflicts happen. Even with good intentions, misunderstandings occur, and we can find ourselves in the middle of difficult conversations – n...

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10 Common Body Language Mistakes and How to Fix Them

If you’re like most people, then you are not as self-aware of your body language, and the unintentional messages you are sending, as you should be.

We often do a pretty good job at noticing other peoples’ unintentional signals but in ourselves, not ...

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Mastering Micro-Connects for Better Communication
I can live one or two months on one good compliment. ~ Mark Twain

Communication Micro-Connects and Appreciation

News flash: We live in a culture that is appreciation deprived. Studies show that up to 70% of workers feel they are not regularly appre...

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