BLOG: Workplace Communication Skills

by Betty Lochner

An Attitude of Gratitude: Simple Ways to Show Appreciation


the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful.

An attitude of gratitude comes from showing appreciation and gratitude for others. It is one of the most powerful communication tools you can have - at work and at home. 

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10 Ways to Become a Better Leader

When I coach leaders to set and reach their leadership goals, I find that these are the top 10 that are the keys to success. 

As you read this list - Rate yourself from 1-5 (with 5 being the highest) on how to would assess your skills in each of the...

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Sorry, I Wasn’t Listening: 5 Ways to Model Better Listening Skills

I have a confession to make when it comes to listening skills. I’m an interrupter. When I already know what someone is trying to say, or I have a point to make, I just cut right in. I know I shouldn’t do it. I know it’s rude. It drives me crazy when ...

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Clarify Your Message: Three Steps to Effective Communication

I didn't understand, based on the words that were said. ~ Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion

One of the most common communication mistakes we make, and the easiest to fix, is how to better clarify your message so people understand what we mea

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