BLOG: Workplace Communication Skills

by Betty Lochner

Mindset Matters: Tips for a Mindset Make-Over

Our mindset matters. This year, I was uniquely reminded of that as we experienced what I refer to as the year of the “busted Christmas”. Our family celebration with our children and grandchildren was cancelled – first due...

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Clarify Your Message: Three Steps to Effective Communication

I didn't understand, based on the words that were said. ~ Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion

One of the most common communication mistakes we make, and the easiest to fix, is how to better clarify your message so people understand what...

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6 Communication Steps for Dealing with a Hothead

Have you ever tried to communicate with a hothead without success?

If you have a hothead in your life, you know exactly what I'm talking about. A hothead is someone that responds or communicates in an impulsive, aggressive, or even explosive...

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